Tutorial for Netwise Web Sites

Marketing Key Words Tutorial

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FlyerMaker Pro© is a service provided by Netwise LLC
Here is a preview of your finished landing page.
It is a good idea to embed the links to your landing pages directly into the home page of your web site.

For example:
<a href='http://www.jimroediger.com/indexppc.php?ppc=1&KeywordGet=Broker%20Owner%20Roediger%20Realty&Admin=true' style='color:black;text-decoration:underline;'>Broker Owner Roediger Realty </a>
<b>Jim Roediger</b> is the Broker Owner of Roediger Realty Inc. Click to find out more about Jim
Note: The portion of the link above " %20 " is optional and represents blank white space between the words. It is required if you are using this link to insert into a Google AdWords marketing campaign.

The finished link in a browser window would look like:

Broker Owner Roediger Realty
Jim Roediger is the Broker Owner of Roediger Realty Inc. Click to find out more about Jim
Enjoy! :0)

This search form is used to look up the "Page Rank" that Google assigns to most web sites.